AT Toolkit
Page history
last edited
by Jeremy Brown 15 years, 10 months ago
* NEW * Browser Add-Ons
WordWeb - (FREE) English dictionary, thesaurus, & word finder
Talking Dictionary - (TRIAL) speech-enabled encyclopedic dictionary & thesaurus. Uses built-in speech or existing screen reader. Contains 250,000 word entries & fully browsable.
- Big Calculator - large display calculator for Windows that features speech output

- MathTrax
- MathType - (TRIAL, $57 academic price) powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Mac - create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, & presentations
- Organization & Productivity
- Screen Readers
- WebAnywhere - (FREE) web-based screen reader accessible from almost any computer that has audio output and is connected to the Internet without installing any additional software
Text-to-Speech [TTS]
NEW WordTalk 4.2! - (FREE) free WordTalk utility, developed by Rod MacAulay, to add speech output to Microsoft
Word. You may be interested to know that Version 4.2 is now available from http://www.wordtalk.org.uk. This has a number of new features:
- the ability to have keys "echoed back" as they are typed. (This
slows the system down, but is still useful for some users.)
- the ability to save and load settings for an individual user.
- the ability to convert a text file into an MP3 or WAV file.
- improved reading of the spellchecker.
The program was designed for Windows XP, but can be made to work with Vista, though there have been a few problems with a small number of Vista configurations.
NaturalReader - (FREE)
Non-Visual Desktop Access - (FREE)
Reading Made Easy - (TRIAL)
ACE-HIGH Text-To-Speech Reader - (TRIAL; $29.95)
* NEW * xtranormal - (FREE) text-to-movie
AT Toolkit
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (1)
Beth Poss said
at 3:15 pm on Jul 26, 2008
This is great Jeremy! Thanks:)
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